Compendia in VIII libros Phisicorum Aristotelis, et in tres libros ejusdem de Anima [Manuscrito] per V. CL. Johannem de Vergara, canonicum Toletanum ; excripta ex tomo quodam autographo in Bibliotheca Toletanae Ecclesiae... asservato a P. Andrea Burriel Soc. Jesu. S.XVIII.


Compendia in VIII libros Phisicorum Aristotelis, et in tres libros ejusdem de Anima [Manuscrito] per V. CL. Johannem de Vergara, canonicum Toletanum ; excripta ex tomo quodam autographo in Bibliotheca Toletanae Ecclesiae... asservato a P. Andrea Burriel Soc. Jesu. S.XVIII.

71 h. 32 x 22 cm.

Related Entities

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Burriel, Andrés Marcos 1719-1762 (person)

Andrés Marcos Burriel was born in November 1719 in Alarcon, Spain. He was a Spanish historian, writer, and Jesuit. While examining the archives in Toledo, he amassed a great deal of information about California. Burriel then decided to devote his full attention towards presenting a picture of the New World for the Europeans, specifically the Spanish. Burriel passed away in 1762, leaving much of his work unfinished. From the description of Venegas-Burriel Manuscripts, circa 1750. (Hu...

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